programFakeSignerDotFixantiviruses | 其他行业 2021-03-19 469 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
DotFix FakeSigner v1.6

This program protect your EXE-files from indentificating
real compiler/packer. FakeSigner indludes 30 signatures in
unregistered version and over 200 in registered. DotFix protects
your program from autounpacking tools (but there are some,
wich still can unpack it). By the way: if antiviruses
recognize your program as a virus (maybe your program uses
algorithms for direct access to HDD and files), after using
this tool antiviruses won't find anything because DotFix
inject in all sections of your program many jumps and anti-
debugging tricks. Most of debuggers, unpackers and antiviruses
can't do nothing with it and just get blocked. Also DotFix can
crypt first 20 bytes of EP and prevent finding it. FakeSigner
has good trash code engine, that inject in you program random
trash code to trouble debugging.


上一篇:文本文件比对工具:Beyond Compare 2