邮电通讯系统 2022-07-14 32 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(AdkillandMediaDownload has four major functions: removing video advertisements, downloading multimedia files, displaying anti-hotlink images normally and blocking Google search results from jumping. The four functions are very useful, especially the last function. After using Adkill and MediaDownload, Google's search results do not need to go to Google to jump, but directly access the original link, which I find quite interesting. Going to video ads: Including several major domestic video websites, most of them are from ChinaList, considering that Youku ads are updated too fast, so the player that calls OpenGG.Clean.Player is used for Going to Youku ads. Supported websites: Youku, Potato, Ku6, Sina, Sohu, Net.easy, cntv, pplive, QQ Video, 56.com, Qiyi, LeTV, Phoenix.com. Note: When the author reminds everyone that there is a problem with advertising, please first test whether it is normal after turning off other extensions to advertising. If you use adb or abp to watch Potato and Qiyi, please add rules: @@td.atm.youku/tdcm/adcontrol and @@iqiyi/player/. Video and audio download: It can detect the real address of video, audio and flash files in the website. A player is provided together for previewing video and audio before downloading (but swf and wma files may not be previewed), and the player comes from the plug-in NetVideoHunter on Firefox. New in version 0.37: The number of media resources detected by the page at that time will be displayed on the extension icon (this function can be turned off in the options). Normal display of anti-hotlink images: The function is completely copied from the refererchanger, which is very useful. I will add it to the extension together, thank the author dindog. (This function can directly watch the external link video of QQ and 56 sources) Block the jump of Google search results: I choose the method of directly modifying the request url, so the address connected on the search results page will not change, but after clicking Open the results page directly without going through Google's redirect page. Normal display of anti-hotlink images: The function is completely copied from the refererchanger, which is a very useful function. This function is an integrated function developed by the developer dindog. (This function can directly watch the external link video of QQ and 56 sources) Block the jump of Google search results: I choose the method of directly modifying the request url, so the address connected on the search results page will not change, but after clicking Open the results page directly without going through Google's redirect page.)


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