monitoring监控谈天the | 邮电通讯系统 2022-07-12 62 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Page reading monitoring: monitoring website reading, website status and non-list processing, prohibiting reading of designated websites, etc. Mail monitoring: monitoring the emails sent and received by Outlook/Foxmail, monitoring the emails sent by webmail, including the title, body and attachments.. .IM chat monitoring: QQ chat content monitoring, msn chat content monitoring, skype chat content monitoring, Ali Wangwang chat content monitoring, Fetion chat content monitoring... U disk management: prohibit U disk operation, authorize and trust U disk operation, allow or Prevent the U disk from running at the specified time scale... Screen monitoring: real-time computer screen monitoring, screen recording (or screen recording of the specified computer within the specified time scale), historical screen playback... Desktop management: client remote Desktop reception, remote publishing, restart, shutdown, process management, startup item management, service management, shared directory auditing...Program control: monitor the start, execution, and completion of the program, and limit the execution of the specified program at the specified time, or Prevent the execution of the specified program... Traffic control: limit the internet traffic of the specified program... Print monitoring: Monitor the printing time, file name, print content, number of copies, number of pages, single/double-sided, Expense... property management: monitor computer software and hardware properties, and record changes in computer software and hardware properties...)

