协议TCPProtocolthe | 邮电通讯系统 2022-07-11 76 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

("TCP/IP Explained Volume 1: Protocols" describes the various protocols attributed to each layer and how they operate in different operating systems. Author Lawrence Berkeley Lab's tcpdump program to capture different packets transmitted between different operating systems and TCP/IP implementations. A study of tcpdump output can help understand how different protocols work. "TCP/IP Detailed Explanation Volume 1: Protocol" is a network construction prototype - the work of the founder of 4.4BSD. The first volume in "TCP/IP Analysis" mainly describes the content of the TCP/IP protocol. The biggest difference from other TCP/IP books is that this book not only describes the standard protocol of RFCS, but also describes the definition factors of the TCP/IP protocol package and its use in various operating systems with many examples. (such as Sunos4.1.3, Soloris2.2, AIX3.2.2) use and operation methods, so that the common sense of TCP/IP can be described in a dynamic way, so that readers can easily grasp the common sense of TCP/IP: routing protocol, addressing protocol, Group Control Protocol, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, etc. The content of the whole book is practical and strong, and it is a good teacher and friend for students to learn TCP/IP common sense.)


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