iTopoview拓扑图功用演示 | 邮电通讯系统 2022-07-11 60 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(This edition is available until December 30, 2013. Official website: zhtelecom/itopoview.htmiTopoview is the most refined and lightweight Java topology map component in the industry. Users do not need to understand any graphics skills, and through simple Java data definition and operation, they can create professional and efficient network topology diagrams; products provide networks, groups, devices, nodes, connections, rack diagrams, and backplanes Functions such as graph, tree graph, topology planning, sorting, mouse menu integration, alarm, color, drag and drop, and graph integration. iTopoview can be used in JavaGUI, WebApplet environment. "itopoview_java_api": the iTopoview_java_api file "iTopoview-flash": the demo flash of the iTopoview component "iTopoview example source code": the source code of the iTopoview example "iTopoview function list.pdf": the function list of the iTopoview component "iTopoview topology map function demonstration.cmd ": iTopoview topology map function demo enables "iTopoview page demo.html": iTopoview page demo enables "iTopoview user manual.pdf": iTopoview user manual "zhtelecombasis.jar": iTopoview component location jar package)


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