流量Traffic字节packets | 酒店行业 2022-07-10 106 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(The free flow monitoring software monitors 1,000 computers in real time. The software provides detailed flow calculation and flow display functions, and can monitor a maximum of 1,000 computers. It can display the IP address, MAC address, computer name, sending speed, receiving speed, sending and receiving speed, sending bytes, receiving bytes, sending and receiving bytes, sending data packets, receiving data packets, sending and receiving data packets of each computer in real time. And can calculate the total traffic data packets, TCP traffic data packets, UDP traffic data packets, ICMP traffic data packets, IGMP traffic data packets, total traffic bytes, TCP traffic bytes, UDP traffic bytes, ICMP traffic bytes , IGMP traffic bytes. It can also actively export the traffic information of each computer every day)


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