装备equipmentDeviceExpert办理 | 邮电通讯系统 2022-07-10 64 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(ManageEngineDeviceExpert is a total network configuration and change management (NCCM, NetworkChangeandConfigurationManagement) solution that helps network administrators manage network devices easily and efficiently. DeviceExpert allows multi-vendor network equipment equipment, it can continuously monitor equipment changes, and issue corresponding notifications, while providing detailed operational review records. In addition, it automates equipment tasks and provides detailed reports, as well as simple and safe restoration to reliable equipment status. DeviceExpert can handle multi-vendor network equipment, including switches, routers, firewalls, etc. It discovers network devices, builds a resource inventory database, and allows IT administrators to control device configuration from a central console. The user interface provided by the web-based management console can be used to perform all device operations, and the user can access the console from anywhere through any standard web browser.)


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