操控思科accessCiscoSecureACS | 邮电通讯系统 2022-07-10 74 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(ACS: Cisco secure access control server Cisco secure access control server (Cisco secure access. Scontrolserver) is a highly scalable and high-performance access control server, which provides all identity recognition network solutions and is the main component of Cisco identity based network service (IBNS) architecture. Ciscosecureacs enhances access security by combining authentication, user or administrator access, and strategic manipulation in a converged identity recognition networking structure. This enables corporate networks to be more flexible and mobile, more secure, and improve user productivity. Ciscosecureacs supports a wide range of access connection types, including wired and wireless LAN, dial-up, broadband, content, storage, VoIP, firewall. Ciscosecureacs is the key component of Cisco network access control. Applicable occasions: ◆ gather and control users to log in to the network through wired or wireless connection ◆ set the authority of each network user ◆ record the accounting information, including security review or user accounting ◆ set the visit authority and control instructions of each equipment administrator ◆ virtual VSA for Aironet key reset ◆ secure server authority and encryption ◆ simplify firewall access and control through dynamic port allocation ◆ consistent user AAA service)

