  1. 8【视频合集】入门到进阶视频学习资料合集30+.pdf
  2. 第7-8章常见问题及视频合集.zip
  3. 4.你的产品“能说会道”,HarmonyOS中的语音交互设计.pdf
  4. 19.你的产品“能说会道”,HarmonyOS中的语音交互设计.pdf
  5. HarmonyOS开发-语音识别.docx
  6. 鸿蒙 分布式播放器源码,实现了手机端控制TV端视频播放
  7. 鸿蒙 利用AI能力实现拍照、文字识别、语音播报、语音识别能力
  8. 抖音网页版视频批量管理易语言软件源码
  9. 抖音矩阵云混剪系统源码短视频矩阵营销系统V2.3.0(免授权版)
  10. 首途第三十三套清新简约卡片风格蓝紫渐变色短视频模板 | 苹果CMSV10主题
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  12. 最近爆火的 AI 英语配音视频,五分钟教会你,学会德纲能用英文讲相声
  13. AI视频新思路,AI一键处理,100%原创,单视频热度达百万,双向多平台变现
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  16. 音视频三位一体创作剪辑
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  18. 如何设计爆款视频前三秒:50个技巧:短视频运营爆款课(50课)
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  21. 短视频 · 全能必修课程:从新手到高手进阶之路(63节视频课)
  22. 新手淘宝店装修标准视频课程
  23. 打造个人IP视频课程:短视频自媒体教程,如何定位个人IP
  24. 15天成为短视频优质创作者,了解热门短视频底层逻辑
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(47vrrp application (actual combat) this lesson explains the application of VRRP virtual routing redundancy protocol, including the access methods of fixed IP and PPPoE methods, so that your company network can be online 24 hours a day, 365 days a day, ensuring the uninterrupted network. Voice video 38 minutes 17 seconds 48vrrp special application through the real community environment, choose PPPoE combined with VRRP virtual dialing, let your broadband fly. Voice video 29 minutes 25 seconds 49 create a web security advertising page. Do you want to use ROS to do push advertising? The content of this section is in line with your request! Hurry up to study, don't hesitate... Voice video 22 minutes 32 seconds 50ros access to wireless AP (router) this lesson mainly deals with how to access the Internet through the wireless network card of ROS access to the wireless router. Several main parameters are explained, and the method of voice and video education is selected for teaching, which is convenient for our self-study, intuitive and easy to understand. Voice video 15 minutes 42 seconds 51 create ROS wireless router (AP) through ROS to create a wireless route, so that you can enjoy the Internet through the wireless network. With just a few simple steps, you can create your own powerful wireless router. Voice video 16 minutes and 50 seconds)


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