(Cisco simulator, the Na, NP, and some ie experimental topologies built by RIPP of the University of technology with Dynamips. The router and switch can be opened directly according to the needs, without building it by yourself. It is simple and easy to use, with detailed instructions and telnet software. Real machine feeling, convenient and practical, with it, there is no need to use other simulators. As long as you use it, you will understand why it is good.
This document contains the following attachments:
0. virtual service win2000 bat
0. Virtual service xp2003 bat
1. Console CCNA routing version cmd
2. Console CCNA Standard Edition cmd
3. Console CCNP Standard Edition cmd
4. Console CCNP mini version cmd
5. Console CCNA exchange version cmd
6. Console CCNP
7. Console
dynagen. exe
dynagen. ini
library. zip
all_ config_ options. txt
frame_ relay1
dynamips-w2000. exe
dynamips-wxp. exe
nvram_ export. exe
README-0.2.7. txt
php. exe
php4ts. dll
putty. exe
copyright. cmd
get_ para. php
set_ para. php
WinPcap_ 4_ 0.exe
unzip-c2600-i-mz. 121-3. T.bin
unzip-c2691-advsecurityk9-mz. 124-11. T2.bin
unzip-c3620-i-mz. 122-37. bin
unzip-c3640-ik9o3s-mz. 124-10. bin....)