(Vncenterpriseedition is an enhanced version of the industry standard VNC (virtualnetworkcomputing), which is specially developed for enterprise environment applications and across the Internet. It is completely designed and developed by the original inventor of VNC, and enterpriseedition provides better stability and easier to manage security. The general workflow of the whole VNC is as follows: (1) VNC client connects to vncserver through browser or vncviewer. (2) Vncserver sends a dialog window to the client, requiring the input of the connection password (which may be empty) and the accessed vncserver display device. (3) After the client enters the connection password, vncserver verifies whether the client has access rights. (4) If the client passes the verification of vncserver, the client requires vncserver to display the desktop environment. (5) The controlled end hands over the control right of image display to vncserver. (6) Vncserver will send the desktop environment of the controlled end to the client using VNC communication protocol, and allow the client to control the desktop environment and input device of vncserver.
This document contains the following attachments:
cr-realvnc5. exe
VNC-5.0.3-Windows. exe