邮电通讯系统 2022-07-02 52 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Utty Chinese tutorial A. update record B. copyright notice C. preface D. some basic knowledge E. introduction F. installation g. first impression, start logging in to a remote ho.st h. when logging in to a ho.st for the first time I. I see Chinese garbled code again J. why or garbled code? k. How to select, copy and paste in putty? 2. Save the session in real time a. some things about logging out B. the output saved in the window is a little less, and the previous ones can't be seen C. when creating a new session, there are still some things to be wordy again I. keep connected, don't disconnect automatically II Automatically log in to the user III. automatically set the environment variables IV. set the proxy server v. automatically execute a command VI. automatically compress and transmit the data to improve the transmission rate in disguise vii Login without password viii X11 forwarding enables you to use Linux programs on Windows IX. use sshtunnels to break through the firewall D. establish an SSH reverse tunnel like a Trojan horse E. use putty as a secure proxy server I. set the default setting of putty II Back up putty settings III. delete putty settings F. use putty Gen to generate a key, and you can log in to the server without a password in the future I. start using putty Gen to create a key ii The process of logging in to the server with the key g.nbsp<imgsrc= "static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif" smilieid= "9" border= "0" alt= "" / >agent loads the key, and only needs to enter the key password once after each boot. Use SSH to transfer the file i.nbsp<imgsrc= "static/image/ smiley/default/titter.gif" smilieid= "9" border= "0" alt= "" / >scp use II Take another look at psftpiii Other optional SFTP clients I. use Plink to execute commands on the remote ho.st more conveniently and quickly J. use illusion to confuse the enemy k.tips (TIPS) l.faq (frequently asked questions) M. appendix)


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