ChristinaHattingQOS田敏TimSzigeti | 邮电通讯系统 2022-07-01 53 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
作者:TimSzigeti.CCIE#9794( )ChristinaHattingh译者:田敏宋辉目前该书已经绝版啦~~~端到端QoS网络设计是一本规划和部署Qos解决方案以满足目前商业需求的详尽指南找这个书不容易啊,现在拿来共享给大家.

(Author: timszigeti CCIE \9794 () christinahattingh translator: Tian min, Song Hui. At present, this book is out of print ~ ~ ~ end-to-end QoS network design is a detailed guide to planning and deploying QoS solutions to meet current business needs. It's not easy to find this book. Now let's share it with you)

