
([a total of 15 chapters [all] will be uploaded in succession. Please pay attention to your favorite friends] Chapter 1: basic configuration of Cisco router [10 lessons in total] switch configuration of Cisco router CH1.1. Large and medium enterprise network model and architecture Cisco router switch configuration CH1.2. Basic configuration of router -1 Basic commands Cisco router switch configuration CH1.3. Basic configuration of router -2 Cdpisco router switch configuration CH1.4. Basic configuration of router -3 Manage ioscisco router switch configuration CH1.5. Basic configuration of router -4 Password recovery Cisco router switch configuration CH1.6. Basic configuration of router -5 Configuration of static route and default route) Cisco router switch configuration CH1.7. Basic configuration of router -6 Floating static routing configuration Cisco router switch configuration CH1.8. Basic configuration of router -7 DHCP and IP help address configuration Cisco router switch configuration CH1.9. Basic configuration of router -8 No numbered IP configuration Cisco router switch configuration CH1.9. Basic configuration of router -8 No numbered IP configuration Cisco router switch configuration CH1.10. Classification of routing protocols this video is the [training materials for network engineers] by Mr. zhangjianning of Xi'an Pengcheng school, the national information technology talent training base. This video has 15 chapters? There are 139 lessons in total. Oh, it is a very valuable video. Oh, it is very comprehensive and easy to understand. Oh, I will continue to upload all the videos for everyone to learn good things. Oh, there is no gap in technology. This video is the third lesson in Chapter 1 [Cisco router switch configuration.Ch1.3. basic router configuration -2.cdp]
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