software软件SoftwareManagemethe | 邮电通讯系统 2022-06-30 61 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(With the development of enterprises, more and more software is installed on computers. It is difficult for us to count which computers have installed which version of the application program, which is not convenient for software control or software upgrade; The software management solution enables the administrator to quickly and automatically locate the software (through the software version, software registry, and all definable information of the software) and distribute and install the software. The distribution based on bandwidth adjustment and the humanized installation interface (or no installation interface) enable the administrator to quickly distribute the software to the client without restarting the computer. Softwaremanagementsolution enables intelligent and bandwidth sensitive distribution and management of software from a central web console. It can not only significantly reduce the number of desktop visits, but also facilitate your mobile work. In addition, softwaremanagementsolution allows users to directly download and install approved software or request other software. Softwaremanagementsolution integrates with software catalogs and software libraries as part of the symantecmanagementplatform. With this information, softwaremanagementsolution can ensure that the correct software is installed, that the installed software is in the installed state, and that it runs without interference from other software. With this integration, administrators can focus on delivering the right software without having to redefine packages, command lines, and so on each time they deliver.)

