(Introduction: powerful WPA decryption software ewsa4.0 cracking Version (supporting the latest model of graphics card) is a sharp weapon for cracking wireless network WPA password - the full name of ewsaewsa is elcomsoftwirelesssecurityauditor. Elcomsoft is a Russian software company, which has produced many password cracking software, including office, SQL, PDF, EFS, etc. Recently, Elcomsoft launched the "wirelesssecurityauditor", which claims that it can quickly break the wireless network password by using the computing performance of the GPU, and the computing speed can be increased by up to hundreds of times compared with using the CPU. The working mode of this software is very simple. It uses a dictionary to decipher the WPA and WPA2 passwords on the wireless AP. It also supports 12 variable settings, such as letter case, number substitution, symbol sequence transformation, abbreviation, vowel substitution, which can be used on ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards. It also helps system administrators monitor wireless network security by trying to recover the wpa/wpa2psk initial password that encrypts Wi Fi communication. Using the hardware acceleration technology provided by ATI and NVIDIA, the two major graphics card manufacturers, elcomsoftwirelesssecurityauditor has gradually become one of the fastest and most cost-effective Wi Fi password recovery and wireless security monitoring tools in the market.
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