(LAN scanning software iptool? It is very useful to scan the IP-MAC in the LAN. For example, to find out that the person's computer is poisoned, 360 scans the IP and then uses this to scan the person's Mac? It can be disabled by the switch
This document contains the following attachments:
Iptool packet capturing tool\
Iptool packet capturing tool \chartdir40 dll
Iptool packet capturing tool \config\
Iptool packet capturing tool \config\tcpinfo dat
Iptool packet capturing tool \decode dll
Iptool packet capturing tool \etc\
Iptool packet capturing tool \etc\office2007 cjstyles
Iptool packet capturing tool \infoapi dll
Iptool packet capturing tool \ipanalyse exe
Iptool packet capturing tool \jmlib dll
Iptool packet capturing tool \packet dll
Iptool packet capturing tool \tracknet dll
Iptool packet capturing tool \wlgx dll
Iptool packet capturing tool \ instructions txt\....)