
(Security world: detailed explanation and practice of intelligent network video monitoring technology is a "sincere work" presented to the industry by security professionals with many years of industry experience. Its purpose is to share, exchange and discuss the principle, application, product and technology development trend of "intelligent network video monitoring system" with industry friends. The content of "security world: detailed explanation and practice of intelligent network video monitoring technology" involves various links such as analog video monitoring system, coding and compression, DVR, DVS, IPC, NVR, video analysis, HD camera, video transmission, CMS, video storage, decoding and display, and is supplemented by a large number of relevant application cases for readers' reference, in order to make readers better understand and apply. "Security in the world: detailed explanation and practice of intelligent network video monitoring technology" is divided into 15 chapters. Chapter 1 is an overview, Chapter 2 briefly introduces the analog TV monitoring system, chapters 3 to 7 respectively introduce the coding and compression technology, DVR technology, DVS technology, NVR technology and IPC technology, Chapter 8 introduces the HD monitoring system, Chapter 9 introduces the video content analysis technology, Chapter 10 introduces the network transmission system, and Chapter 11 introduces the CMS technology, Chapter 12 introduces the storage system, Chapter 13 introduces the decoding display, Chapter 14 introduces the actual application of the intelligent network video monitoring system, and Chapter 15 introduces the relevant applications of the intelligent network video monitoring system. Security world: detailed explanation and practice of intelligent network video monitoring technology is suitable for beginners in the industry or readers with certain industry experience, especially for readers in "weak current, security and video monitoring" related industries as a reference for entry and in-depth study..........
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