(It adopts multi-threaded method to detect security vulnerabilities in the specified IP address segment (or single machine), supports plug-in function, and provides two operation modes: graphical interface and command line. The scanning contents include: remote operating system type and version, standard port status and port banner information, CGI vulnerability, IIS vulnerability, RPC vulnerability, sql-server, ftp-server, smtp-server, pop3-server, nt-server weak password users, NT server NetBIOS information, etc. The scanning results are saved in the /log/ directory. Index_
. Htm index files for scan results.
This document contains the following attachments:
CheckHost. dat
AddressBook. ini
common_ pass. dic
common_ pass_ mini. dic
common_ user. dic
cvs_ user. dic
default. cfg
ftp_ user. dic
iis_ code. ini
ipsearcher. dll
language. en
language. ini
mail_ user. dic
NaslLib. dll
nmap. exe
nntp_ user. dic
npf. sys
nt_ user. dic
plugin. ini
port. ini
reg. lst
report. dll
snmp_ pass. dic
socks_ user. dic
sql_ user. dic
ssh. dll
telnet_ user. dic
UpdateLocal. ini
UpdateServer. ini
vnc_ pass. dic
weak_ pass. dic
WinPcap_ 3_ 1_ beta4.exe
www_ user. dic
readme_ cn. txt
readme_ en. txt
3com. bmp
aix. bmp
alert. bmp
cgi. bmp
check. bmp
cisco. bmp
cvs. bmp....)