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?? Printer monitor king V3.21?
---------------------------------------------------------------------What's new? Fixed the problem that the size and category of special paper could not be monitored before! Added custom hotkey function!? Added company personalized design!? Added the function of inputting data into other files!? Corrected the error dialog box information in the old version!? Added custom query function! Added multiple choices for summary! The method of corresponding name and department with IP address is added! 1、 The main function is to monitor the printers shared on the local machine and the network; The monitored information includes: printer name, printer, printing computer, printing time, name of printing file, size of printing file, number of pages of printing file, type and direction of printing paper. It can manage, print and consult the monitored information, so as to save the company's resources. 2、 Operating environment:? The system can run under Chinese Windows98, windowsme, WIN2000, WindowsNT and WindowsXP systems, and the models above 586 can run smoothly.? The system functions described in this document refer to all functions of Windows version. 3、 Software installation and use:? 1. Unzip prtmonitor Zip to any directory;? 2. After decompression, click prtmonitor Exe to run the program;? 3. After running for one time, the printer job information will be automatically monitored stealthily after each startup;? 4. After running, you will not see the main interface of the program. You can press ctrl+alt+f10 to call up the program. 5. After calling out the program, there will be a password verification screen. The initialization password is admin. You can change the password after entering the program. 4、 Full uninstall:? 1. Delete all files in the directory; 2. This software is a green software and does not need to be reinstalled. 5、 FAQ used 1. Unable to monitor the number of pages printed answer: the printing information sent by win9x/winme is incomplete. The details are as follows: -------------------------------------- setup computer sends out print job computer? Result? -----------------------------------? Win9x/winmewin9x/winme no? -----------------------------------------? Win9x/winmewin2k/winxp no? -----------------------------------------? win2k/winxpwin9x/winme?? No? -----------------------------------? Win2k/winxpwin2k/winxp line--------------------------------------------- 2. It is monitored that the size of the printed document is 0kb answer: because the system is run by background multithreading, in order to minimize the CPU consumption of the system, the time interval between threads has to be increased. In this way, when the print job is too small, the size of the monitored file will be 0kb. 3. Database not found;? Answer: please confirm that you have prt The mdb file is placed in the same directory as the running program 6、 Include file: prtmonit Exe execute master file? readme. Txt self explanation? prt. MDB monitoring database
This document contains the following attachments:
BigLogo. bmp
logo. bmp
Prt. mdb
PrtMonitor. exe
r-ChPrtMonitor. exe
readme. txt
Printer monitoring King)


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