monitoring监控监控产品H3C | 酒店行业 2022-06-27 97 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
培训对象: 核心合作伙伴、认证/待认证/规划的多媒体(监控)业务合作伙伴、拟发展的多媒体(监控)服务星级合作伙伴学习目标:??学习完本课程,您应该能够:了解视频监控基本知识和发展历程掌握H3C系列监控解决方案的基本原理、主要卖点;掌握H3C系列监控产品的基本规格、衡量指标;了解H3C监控解决方案的主要应用和典型案例;

(Trainees: Core partner, certified / to be certified / planned multimedia (monitoring) business partner, multimedia (monitoring) service star partner to be developed learning objectives:?? After learning this course, you should be able to: understand the basic knowledge and development process of video monitoring, master the basic principles and main selling points of H3C series monitoring solutions; Master the basic specifications and measurement indicators of H3C series monitoring products; Understand the main applications and typical cases of H3C monitoring solutions;)

