
(System platform: strictly speaking, airopeek is not a pure wireless AP search tool for windows. It has the network packet stealing and analysis functions of software such as sniffer, that is, it decodes the 802.11a/b/g protocol and displays management packets, control packets and data packets. Airopeek supports the decoding of WEP encrypted data streams of different lengths. It can perform over the air decoding by renaming the key. It includes a convenient command line to decode the captured encrypted package files. Therefore, even if the wireless signal encrypted by WEP is used, it still cannot escape the "clutches" of airopeek. In addition to the above wireless scanning software, Windows Platforms also include bricks, dumeter3, bricks, ethereal, netstatlive, etc. The Linux platform also has wavetuner, airsnort, Kismet, gtkscanner, WiFi scanner, etc.
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