(Download the video of foundation computer network PPT download the software required for the experiment manual, please go to www.91xueit This software is used in Chapter 4 of foundation computer network published by Tsinghua University Press, including Cisco Security Device Management (SDM) and SDM configuration methods, as well as tftpserver for upgrading Cisco router IOS and backup IOS.
This document contains the following attachments:
128MB. sdf
256MB. sdf
attack-drop. sdf
common. tar
dg_ sdm. tar
es. tar
extract. bat
home. shtml
home. tar
libiconv-2. dll
libintl-2. dll
SDM-Updates. xml
sdm. tar
sdmconfig-1701. cfg
sdmconfig-1710. cfg
sdmconfig-1711-1712. cfg
sdmconfig-1721. cfg
sdmconfig-1751-1760. cfg
sdmconfig-180x. cfg
sdmconfig-1811-1812. cfg
sdmconfig-18xx. cfg
sdmconfig-26xx. cfg
sdmconfig-2801. cfg
sdmconfig-2811. cfg
sdmconfig-28xx. cfg
sdmconfig-36xx-37xx. cfg
sdmconfig-38xx. cfg
sdmconfig-83x. cfg
sdmconfig-8xx. cfg
sdmconfig-sb10x. cfg
SDMLauncher. exe
securedesktop-ios- pkg
setup. exe
sslclient-win- pkg
tar. exe
updateengine. jar
wlanui. tar
Cisco router dynamips+sdm configuration method_ Baidu Wenku. mht
tftpserver. exe....)