(The following functions are supported: 1 Read the UMD format ebook directly, and save it after editing. 2. it supports the consolidation, addition, deletion and sorting of chapters. 3. support editing author, publishing date, category, etc. 4. It supports merging multiple UMD files at one time. 5. support merging multiple text files at one time. 6. it supports changing the cover without limiting the size of the cover image (automatic compression may cause some distortion of the compressed image). 7. support content search, not case sensitive. 8. support cartoon format browsing, modification and creation. 9. it supports browsing, modifying and creating comic strip format. 10. export the text content of the e-book. 11. export the image content of the e-book. (if it does not work, please download dotnetfx1 installation)
This document contains the following attachments:
S60CHS. S12.wdt
S60CHS. S16.wdt
sunfon. s10.wdt
sunfon. s11.wdt
sunfon. s12.wdt
sunfon. s13.wdt
sunfon. s14.wdt
sunfon. s15.wdt
sunfon. s16.wdt
sunfon. s6.wdt
sunfon. s7.wdt
sunfon. s8.wdt
sunfon. s9.wdt
readme. txt
cover. jpg
ICSharpCode. SharpZipLib. dll....)