(Ciscosdmv2.5 configuration management tool; GUI graphic configuration can be performed for Cisco routers. For complex configuration, simplified configuration process is provided; Hope to help you
This document contains the following attachments:
128MB. sdf
256MB. sdf
attack-drop. sdf
common. tar
dg_ sdm. tar
es. tar
extract. bat
Help. htm
home. shtml
home. tar
libiconv-2. dll
libintl-2. dll
SDM-Updates. xml
sdm. tar
sdmconfig-1701. cfg
sdmconfig-1710. cfg
sdmconfig-1711-1712. cfg
sdmconfig-1721. cfg
sdmconfig-1751-1760. cfg
sdmconfig-180x. cfg
sdmconfig-1811-1812. cfg
sdmconfig-18xx. cfg
sdmconfig-26xx. cfg
sdmconfig-2801. cfg
sdmconfig-2811. cfg
sdmconfig-28xx. cfg
sdmconfig-36xx-37xx. cfg
sdmconfig-38xx. cfg
sdmconfig-83x. cfg
sdmconfig-8xx. cfg
sdmconfig-sb10x. cfg
SDMLauncher. exe
securedesktop-ios- pkg
setup. exe
sslclient-win- pkg
tar. exe
updateengine. jar
wlanui. tar