(Windows platform tools! Its function is similar to that of inssider, and it provides more detailed information. One useful function is to graphically represent the orientation and distance of access points. The closer you get to an access point, the more frequently the Geiger counter sounds. The tool can physically locate rogue access points. More details of network management software:
This document contains the following attachments:
Xirrus(ForMacosWin7vistaXP)\(ForMacOS)XirrusWiFiMonitorMacOSWidget1.01. widget. zip
Xirrus(ForMacosWin7vistaXP)\(ForWinXP)XirrusWiFiMonitorXPWidget1.1. widget. zip
Xirrus(ForMacosWin7vistaXP)\ForWin7orVistaXirrusWiFiMonitor. gadget. 1.2.0. zip\....)