theanalysis分析选集 | OA系统 2022-06-26 106 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
? 重所瞩目7.0已经发布了!也就是大家所说的科来7.0,或科来2010。为感谢对广大支持科来的朋友,以及让更多人掌握网络管理的S手锏-网络分析,我们继续免费向大家提供2010技术交流版,全称:科来网络分析系统2010交流版。?【新版下载】菜鸟人飞)软件就到科来的官方或者论坛下载,以上就是URL地址。软件好像传不上来了,带上的附件是,‘CSNA网络分析论坛精华选集’,很不错的CHM文档,图文并茂,有很多实例,比如“电信网页访问监控原理分析”,“电信弹出式广告原理分析(揭秘篇)”,都是论坛的牛X们的经典之篇本资料共包含以下附件:

(?& amp; amp; nbsp; Focus 7.0 has been released! That is to say, Kelai 7.0 or Kelai 2010. In order to thank the friends who support Kelai and let more people master the killer of network management - network analysis, we continue to provide you with the 2010 technical exchange version for free. The full name is Kelai network analysis system 2010 exchange version.? [new version download] the software can be downloaded from the official or forum of Kelai. The above is the URL. It seems that the software can't be passed on. The attachments are 'selected essence of csna network analysis forum', a very good chm document with pictures and texts. There are many examples, such as "Analysis on the principle of Telecom web page access monitoring" and "Analysis on the principle of Telecom pop-up advertising (uncover secrets)", which are classic articles of the forum's top x people. This material contains the following attachments:
Csna Network Analysis Forum essence anthology 1 chm
Csna Network Analysis Forum essence anthology 2 chm\....)

