路由系统The蜘蛛 | 邮电通讯系统 2022-06-25 74 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
 海蜘蛛路由系统(Hi-SpiderRouter)是一套运行于x86-CPU硬件架构(即普通PC机)上的路由系统。基于稳定的GNU/Linux2.6系列内核开发。产品秉承丰富的网络软件研发经验,海蜘蛛网络科技推出了稳定、高效、功能丰富的软路由系统——海蜘蛛路由系统(Hi-SpiderRouter)。该路由采用模块化的结构设计,结合行之有效的软件技术实现了快速、高效的路由策略,是企业、家庭、社区或网吧等场所的首选产品。 海蜘蛛网络科技针对中G互联网的特点,根据终端接入路由器的功能需要,设计和构建了一套专用Linux系统,并以此系统为基石,以用户需求为导向,逐步开发了路由系统的各个通用模块,以及针对有中G特色的网络环境所设计的一系列专用模块。整个系统模块化程度高,灵活性和可扩展性强,体积精减、运行效率高、安全性好、稳定性佳,并具有良好硬件兼容性。

(& amp; nbsp; Hi spiderrouter is a routing system running on X86 CPU hardware architecture (i.e. ordinary PC). Based on stable gnu/linux2.6 series kernel development. Adhering to its rich experience in network software research and development, sea spider network technology has launched a stable, efficient and functional soft routing system - Hi spiderrouter. The route adopts modular structure design, and combines effective software technology to achieve a fast and efficient routing strategy. It is the preferred product in enterprises, families, communities or Internet cafes& amp; amp; nbsp; According to the characteristics of the Chinese Internet and the functional requirements of the terminal access router, sea spider network technology has designed and built a set of special Linux system. Taking this system as the cornerstone and guided by the needs of users, it has gradually developed various general modules of the routing system and a series of special modules designed for the network environment with Chinese characteristics. The whole system has high modularity, strong flexibility and scalability, reduced volume, high operation efficiency, good security, good stability, and good hardware compatibility.)

