邮电通讯系统 2022-06-25 89 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
【基本介绍】 高性能软路由系统,普通PC机能支持几千台机器的同时上网。能够抵抗内外网机器的任何攻击;支持多个线路的接入;具有自动带宽调节功能,2M带宽可带15-20台PC上网;有WEB认证、PPPOE认证功能;具有各种网络控制管理功能;首创面向操作者的3D操作界面。【软件特点】1.运行平台:WindowsXP、Windows2003、WindowsVista、Windows2008、Windows7。2.面向高端应用设计,支持从几十台机器到几千台机器同时上网的需要。3.支持最多127条外网出口线路的带宽合并与负载均衡。支持单网卡实现多出口NAT,能实现带宽叠加。4.全球首款面向对象的全3D操作界面(任何普通显卡均可使用),直观显示所有机器的上网情况。5.抗ARP攻击、洪水DDOS攻击等。不需要安装客户端。6.智能带宽分配,能够根据上网机器数及带宽情况,动态分配带宽。2MADSL能支持15-20台机器同时上网。7.内置PPPoE拨号服务、WEB登录服务。可以由本机认证,也支持外部Radius服务器认证。8.具有强制认证功能(必须认证后才能上网),也具有非强制认证功能。9.能够同时按用户帐号、VLAN号、MAC地址、IP地址使用控制策略,控制上网机器。10.支持网址过滤、连接数限制、发包速率控制等控制功能。11.具有超级过滤器功能,能记录、过滤绝大多数网络软件的使用。12.具有详细的用户上网日志记录与查询。13.具有流量记录功能,能按帐号、VLAN、MAC、IP分别记录流量、上网时间。14.具有IP+MAC地址绑定功能,能够跨VLAN进行绑定,并能禁止用户随意修改IP地址。15.具有AnyIP功能,即客户机可以设置任意IP、任意网关上网。16.内置DHCP服务能够按VLAN号分配不同网段IP地址。17.系统中所有功能均能跨VLAN使用。18.能自动检测内网中非法存在的DHCP服务器、PPPOE服务器、ARP欺骗等,并给予提示...... 本资料共包含以下附件:

([basic introduction] & amp; nbsp; High performance soft routing system, ordinary PC can support thousands of machines to access the Internet at the same time. It can resist any attack of internal and external network machines; Support the access of multiple lines; With automatic bandwidth adjustment function, 15-20 PCs can be connected to the Internet with 2m bandwidth; It has web authentication and PPPoE authentication functions; It has various network control and management functions; The first 3D operation interface for operators. [software features] 1 Operating platform: WindowsXP, Windows2003, WindowsVista, windows2008, windows7. 2. it is designed for high-end applications, and supports the need for simultaneous Internet access from dozens of machines to thousands of machines. 3. support bandwidth consolidation and load balancing of up to 127 external network outlet lines. Support single network card to realize multi outlet NAT, and realize bandwidth superposition. 4. the world's first object-oriented full 3D operation interface (any ordinary graphics card can be used) to visually display the Internet access of all machines. 5. anti ARP attack, flood DDoS attack, etc. There is no need to install the client. 6. intelligent bandwidth allocation, which can dynamically allocate bandwidth according to the number of online machines and bandwidth. 2madsl can support 15-20 machines to access the Internet at the same time. 7. built in PPPoE dial-up service and web login service. It can be authenticated locally or by an external radius server. 8. it has the compulsory authentication function (only after authentication can the Internet be accessed), and it also has the non compulsory authentication function. 9. be able to use the control strategy according to the user account, VLAN number, MAC address and IP address at the same time to control the Internet access machine. 10. support control functions such as URL filtering, connection limit, and contract rate control. 11. with super filter function, it can record and filter the use of most network software. 12. have detailed user online log records and queries. 13. it has the function of traffic recording, and can record traffic and Internet time according to account number, VLAN, MAC and IP. 14. it has the ip+mac address binding function, can bind across VLANs, and can prohibit users from modifying IP addresses at will. 15. it has anyip function, that is, the client can set any IP and any gateway to access the Internet. 16. the built-in DHCP service can assign IP addresses of different network segments by VLAN number. 17. all functions in the system can be used across VLANs. 18. it can automatically detect the illegal DHCP server, PPPoE server, ARP spoofing, etc. in the intranet and give a prompt& amp; amp; nbsp; This document contains the following attachments:
XRouter_ Setup. exe....)

