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(Nagios complete configuration document directory: Chapter 1: About Nagios Chapter 2: nagios3 X new features 2.1 update log 2.2 changes and new features Chapter 3: simple and fast installation of nagios3.1 preparation software package 3.2 operation process Chapter 4: description of Nagios configuration and configuration file relationship 4.1 main configuration file options 4.2 object configuration file options Chapter 5: run nagios5.1 to verify the correctness of configuration files 5.2 start and stop Nagios chapter 6: Nagios optimized monitoring host 6.1 memory /swap6.2 disk io6.3 host survival status 6.4 network card traffic chapter Chapter 7: Nagios optimized service class monitoring 7.1acache/lighttpd/nginx/tomcat/resin health status 7.2squid health status 7.3rsync/nfs Chapter 8: Nagios optimized DB class monitoring 8.1mysql host monitoring 8.2mysql/slave health status 8.3oracle monitoring Chapter 9: Nagios using federationrobot SMS /msn online alarm Chapter 10: nagiospnp configuration drawing Chapter 11: Nagios and cacti integration Chapter 11: modular installation chapter 12: suggestions and opinion)


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