
([please note] 1 For batch added files, please do not select URL Style shortcuts, but save them as files, such as HTML and other formats 2. the added files can be placed on any disk, but the files to be added should not be placed on the desktop, or they will be added to the RAR compressed package in directory format! Forums and websites involve many compressed files, which can effectively reduce file volume and improve resource utilization! However, there are so many compressed files. If you have to deal with the notes and attached documents one by one, is it too tired! Here we provide you with a small software that can be processed in batches. The green version is just a file that can be run directly without installation! It is also very simple and convenient to use! Batch modify the RAR compressed package. You can batch add and delete files, add comments, add passwords, etc. to the compressed package Especially suitable for download webmaster or resource webmaster! This document contains the following attachments:
Free download of IT technical materials_ 51CTO Download Center_ White paper e-book solution source code url
readme. txt
supcoderar. exe
Software for batch processing of compressed files)


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