CactiRRDtoolmonitoringWindows | 邮电通讯系统 2022-06-24 88 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Cacti is a monitoring software using RRDTOOL, SNMP, PHP, MySQL and Apache. Its source code is written and published based on PHP script. Its basic workflow is as follows: 1. execute PHP script code regularly, read SNMP information of specified monitoring items through SNMP, and then save the results to RRDTOOL data file. 2. in the web monitoring interface, read the RRDTOOL through PHP and generate the monitoring graph of the specified monitoring items and the specified time period. This document contains the following attachments:
Detailed manual for installing cacti under windows doc
~Install cacti detailed manual under $ndows doc
Detailed manual for installing cacti under Windows)


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