InternetTheLinux网关 | 邮电通讯系统 2022-06-22 77 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
软路由: Internet由网络互联而成,而实现网际互联的设备就是网关。任何用户都是通过网关连接到Internet。Internet上的网关多数是专用的路由器和交换机。目前,Linux的通用性越来越强,经过适当地配置之后,它完全可以担当互联网的物理基石——路由器这一重要角色。互联网上的高水平开发者对Linux进行精简和定制后,推出了Linux软件Freesco,它可以仅通过一张软盘来运行,有效降低了对硬件资源的要求,并提高了工作效率。

(Soft route: & amp; nbsp; The Internet is interconnected by the network, and the gateway is the device to realize the Internet Interconnection. Any user is connected to the Internet through a gateway. Most gateways on the Internet are dedicated routers and switches. At present, Linux is becoming more and more versatile. After proper configuration, it can fully play the important role of router, the physical cornerstone of the Internet. After streamlining and customizing Linux, high-level developers on the Internet launched the Linux Software freesco, which can run only through a floppy disk, effectively reducing the requirements for hardware resources and improving work efficiency.)

