附件名称: 能穿透内网的远程控制软件:TeamViewer + DynGate V1.50 汉化绿色版
压缩包内文件格式: 可执行文件
附件来源: 互联网
运行平台: Windows平台
是否经本人验证: 是
附件性质: 免费
详细说明: 这款软件是至今唯一的一款能穿透内网的远程控制软件,可以穿透各种防火墙,要求双方都安装这个软件,使用时要求双开打开软件并且接受连接即可,最大优势在于此软件任何一方都不需要拥有固定IP地址,双方都可以相互控制,只要连入Internet即可,不受防火墙影响!相比VNC等软件优势在于VNC要求两方至少有一方有固定IP地址!这是免费版本,可以远程控制15分钟。但是你可以免费获得一个注册码注册

(Attachment name: remote control software that can penetrate the intranet: TeamViewer + dyngate v1.50 Chinese green version
File format in compressed package: executable file
Attachment source: Internet
Running platform: Windows platform
Whether it has been verified by me: Yes
Nature of accessories: Free
This software is the only remote control software that can penetrate the intranet. It can penetrate all kinds of firewalls. Both sides are required to install this software. When using it, both sides are required to open the software and accept the connection. The biggest advantage is that neither side of the software needs to have a fixed IP address. Both sides can control each other. As long as they are connected to the Internet, they are not affected by the firewall! Compared with VNC and other software, vnc requires that at least one of the two parties has a fixed IP address! This is a free version that can be remotely controlled for 15 minutes. But you can get a registration code for free
After that, the control time of each time can be extended to 30 minutes, which should be enough^_^
Visit: www.dyngate com/licensing/register. Aspx fill in your email address
Click the button below for a moment to check the email and you will receive an email containing the registration code.
Registration method: first connect to the Internet, right-click the dyngate icon in the system tray area, select the "Activation License" menu, fill in the received number, and then click the "Activation License" button.
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上一篇:Ciscoworks 2000 LMS 2.0 网管软件配置及操作手册