AndroidThelanguageKotlin | vc书籍 2022-06-16 359 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本书前两版没有涉及语言方面,默认读者是Java语言基础。第三版对 Kotlin 语言进行了非常全面的讲解,读者无需具备 Kotlin 语言的任何基础知识。
另外,本书第一版基于Android 4.x,第二版基于Android 7.0,第三版基于Android 10.0。包括了新系统中的很多知识点,包括Android 8.0系统中引入的通知通道和应用图标适配,Android 9.0系统中引入的明文网络传输限制适配,
Android 10.0系统等引入深色主题模式

(The first two editions of this book do not cover language. The default reader is the foundation of Java language. The third edition gives a very comprehensive explanation of the kotlin language. Readers do not need to have any basic knowledge of the kotlin language.
In addition, the first edition of this book is based on Android 4 x. The second version is based on Android 7.0, and the third version is based on Android 10.0. It includes many knowledge points in the new system, including the notification channel and application icon adaptation introduced in Android 8.0 system, and the plaintext network transmission restriction adaptation introduced in Android 9.0 System,
Android 10.0 system introduces dark theme mode
In addition, the third edition also adds two practical projects and explanations of new knowledge points such as retrofit, Xiecheng, jetpack and MVVM. The content will be richer than before.)

