Pythonprogramming编程and | vc书籍 2022-06-16 193 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本书是一本经典的 Python 指南,从第一版全面升级。本书分为两部分:第 1 部分长约三分之二,解释了“核心”部分。语言的内容,包括基本概念和语句、语法和风格、Python 对象、数字类型、序列类型、映射和集合类型、条件和循环、文件和输入/输出、错误和异常、函数和函数式编程、模块、面向对象编程、执行环境等:第 2 部分提供了各种高级主题来演示您可以使用 Python 的功能,包括正则表达式、网络编程、网络客户端编程、多线程编程、图形用户界面编程、Web 编程、数据库编程、扩展 Python 和其他一些材料。
本书适合 Python 初学者,以及已经入门但想继续学习和提高 Python 技能的程序员。

(This book is a classic Python guide, fully upgraded from the first edition. This book is divided into two parts: Part 1 is about two-thirds long and explains the "core" part. Language content, including basic concepts and statements, syntax and style, python objects, number types, sequence types, mapping and collection types, conditions and loops, files and input / output, errors and exceptions, functions and functional programming, modules, object-oriented programming, execution environment, etc.: Part 2 provides various advanced topics to demonstrate the functions you can use python, including regular expressions, network programming Web client programming, multithreading programming, graphical user interface programming, web programming, database programming, extended python, and other materials.
This book is suitable for beginners of Python and programmers who have already started but want to continue to learn and improve Python skills.)


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