系统requirementsProcess要求 | vc书籍 2022-06-16 180 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
在日常的生产环境中,我们更多的接触到OLTP系统(即Online Transaction Process)。这些系统的特点是实时性要求,或者至少对响应时间有一定的要求;业务逻辑一般比较复杂,可能需要我们经常接触到的电子商城等多种操作。
除了这些系统之外,还有一个系统叫做OLAP(即Online Aanalysis Process),这些系统一般用于系统决策。通常与数据仓库、数据分析和数据挖掘等概念相关联。特点是数据量大,对实时响应的要求不高或根本不关注这方面的要求,主要集中在查询和统计操作上。

(In the daily production environment, we are more exposed to OLTP system (i.e. online transaction process). These systems are characterized by real-time requirements, or at least have certain requirements for response time; The business logic is generally complex, which may require a variety of operations such as the electronic mall we are often in contact with.
In addition to these systems, there is another system called OLAP (online analysis process), which is generally used for system decision-making. It is usually associated with the concepts of data warehouse, data analysis and data mining. It is characterized by large amount of data, low requirements for real-time response or no attention to these requirements, mainly focusing on query and statistical operations.)


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