TC's图形includeyou | vc书籍 2022-06-16 238 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
说起编程图形,想必很多人会想到TC的#include<graph hics.h>?
但是你有没有想过那些画面华丽的PC游戏是怎么写出来的呢?是靠 TC 可怜的 640*480 分辨率和 16 色来做的吗?显然不可能。
这篇文章的目的是让你放弃 TC 旧的图形界面,让你接触一些新的东西。

(Speaking of programming graphics, many people must think of TC's \include&amp; lt; graph hics. h&amp; gt;?
But have you ever thought about how those PC games with gorgeous pictures are written? Is it based on TC's poor 640*480 resolution and 16 colors? Obviously impossible.
The purpose of this article is to let you give up TC's old graphical interface and let you touch some new things.)


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