Apache Mina Server是一个网络通信应用框架,也就是说它主要是一个基于TCP/IP和UDP/IP协议栈的通信框架(当然也可以提供JAVA对象的序列化服务,虚拟机管道通信)服务等),Mina可以帮助我们快速开发高性能、高扩展性的网络通信应用,Mina提供事件驱动、异步(Mina的异步IO默认使用JAVA NIO作为底层支持)操作编程模型.
(Apache Mina server is a network communication application framework, that is to say, it is mainly a communication framework based on tcp/ip and udp/ip protocol stack (of course, it can also provide Java object serialization services, virtual machine pipeline communication services, etc.). Mina can help us quickly develop high-performance and high scalability network communication applications. Mina provides event driven Asynchronous (Mina's asynchronous IO uses Java NiO as the underlying support by default) operation programming model)