Android游戏thesource | vc书籍 2022-06-15 200 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
最近网上有网友吐槽Android游戏源码找不到,于是小弟收集了一些AndEngine和Libgdx游戏源码,以Eclipse工程的形式配置环境,然后陆续发布(一个某些引擎避免怀疑,此处未列出)。虽然这些游戏主要由 Libgdx 和 AndEngine 开发的源代码组成。但实际上,可以认为是游戏、开源的安卓游戏源代码,以及一些有价值的安卓游戏,都会被小弟陆续收集(比如Replicaisland没有使用任何引擎,但是代码很有价值,所以这次也收录),会在博文一一收录。但是,有两种类型的游戏未包含在此列表中。首先,游戏源码虽然乍看之下复杂,但实际内容却很少,基本上是个空壳。比如http://code.google.com/p/andors-trail/等开源游戏项目(RPG),图片和配置文件很多,但有价值的游戏代码基本为零(纯使用Android组件)出来了,还真不是小弟在抱怨,操作效果太诡异了……),所以没放这个。二、游戏效果很好,但是大量使用了Android独有的API,使得源码部分没有参考价值(或者说,这类游戏完全基于Android API,没有体现任意算法,调用Android API,你还不如直接看Android的API示例……),这里也没有列出。

(Recently, some netizens on the Internet complained that the Android game source code could not be found, so I collected some andengine and libgdx game source codes, configured the environment in the form of eclipse project, and then released them one after another (some engines are not listed here to avoid doubt). Although these games are mainly composed of source code developed by libgdx and andengine. But in fact, it can be considered that games, open source Android game source code, and some valuable Android games will be collected by my younger brother in succession (for example, replicaisland does not use any engine, but the code is very valuable, so it will also be included this time), and will be included in the blog one by one. However, there are two types of games that are not included in this list. First of all, although the game source code looks complex at first glance, the actual content is very little, basically an empty shell. such as http://code.google.com/p/andors-trail/ There are many open source game projects (RPG), such as pictures and configuration files, but the valuable game code is basically zero (only using Android components). It's really not my brother's complaint that the operation effect is too weird...), so I didn't put this. 2、 The game effect is very good, but a large number of unique Android APIs are used, so the source code part has no reference value (in other words, such games are completely based on the Android API, do not reflect any algorithm, call the Android API, you might as well directly look at the Android API examples...), which are not listed here.)

