AndroidApplicationtheFramework | vc书籍 2022-06-15 227 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
内容方面,本书结合使用场景对Android系统源码进行了全面、深入、细致的分析,涉及Linux内核层、硬件抽象层(HAL)、运行时库层(Runtime) 、应用框架层(Application Framework)和应用层(Application)。
在组织上,本书将以上内容分为三个部分:首次使用Android系统、Android专用驱动系统和Android应用框架。安卓系统入门介绍参考书、基础知识和实验环境搭建; Android专用驱动系统引入Logger日志驱动、Binder进程间通信驱动和Ashmem匿名共享内存驱动; Android应用框架章节从组件、进程、消息和安装四个维度对Android应用框架进行深入分析。

(In terms of content, this book makes a comprehensive, in-depth and detailed analysis of the Android system source code in combination with the use scenarios, involving the Linux kernel layer, hardware abstraction layer (HAL), runtime library layer (runtime), application framework layer (application framework) and application layer (application).
In terms of organization, this book divides the above contents into three parts: the first use of Android system, Android special driver system and Android application framework. Introduction to Android system reference book, basic knowledge and experimental environment construction; The Android dedicated driver system introduces logger log driver, binder interprocess communication driver and ashmem anonymous shared memory driver; The Android application framework chapter makes an in-depth analysis of the Android application framework from the four dimensions of components, processes, messages and installation.
Through the above contents and organization, this book can enable readers to grasp the hierarchical structure of Android system as a whole and the key points of each level in detail.)

