vc书籍 2022-06-15 180 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Android 移动开发最佳实践
如何创建基于地图的应用程序,如何使用 GPS 和地理编码位置等基于位置的服务
与电话和网络硬件相关的所有内容,例如电话 API、SMS 和网络管理等高级开发主题,包括安全性、IPC 以及一些高级图形和用户界面技术

(primary coverage
Android mobile development best practices
Provides an overview of activities, intentions, manifests, and resources how to use layout and custom view techniques to create a user interface to store and share application data
How to create map based applications and how to use location-based services such as GPS and geocoded locations
How to use accelerometer, compass and camera hardware to create and use background services and notifications
All content related to telephone and network hardware, such as advanced development topics such as telephone API, SMS and network management, including security, IPC and some advanced graphic and user interface technologies)

