编码software约定期中 | java书籍 2022-06-15 274 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品


● 在软件的生命周期中,80%的成本在维护上
● 几乎没有任何软件在其整个生命周期中由原始开发人员维护
● 编码约定可以提高软件的可读性,让程序员尽可能快速彻底地理解新代码
● 如果您将源代码作为产品发布,您需要确保它的包装良好且无误,就像您构建的任何其他产品一样

(Why do I need a coding convention?
Coding conventions are particularly important to programmers for several reasons:
● in the software life cycle, 80% of the cost is maintenance
● almost no software is maintained by original developers throughout its life cycle
● coding conventions can improve the readability of software and enable programmers to understand new code as quickly and thoroughly as possible
● if you release the source code as a product, you need to ensure that it is well packaged and error free, just like any other product you build)

