AndroidAndroidStudiodevelopmentand | java书籍 2022-06-15 217 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Android Studio是一个基于IntelliJIDEA的新的Android开发环境。与Eclipse ADT插件相似,AndroidStudio提供了集成的Android开发工具用于开发和调试。除了你期望的IntelliJ的能
· 基于Gradle构建的支持。
· Android专属的重构和快速修复。
· 捕获性能、易用性、版本兼容性等问题。
· 支持ProGuard和应用签名。
· 基于模板的向导来创建常见的Android设计和组件。
· 丰富的布局编辑器,允许你拖放UI组件并在多个屏幕上的预览布局,等等

(Android studio is a new Android development environment based on intellijidea. Like the eclipse ADT plug-in, androidstudio provides integrated Android development tools for development and debugging. In addition to what you expect from IntelliJ
Force, androidstudio also provides:
·Gradle based build support.
·Android exclusive refactoring and quick repair.
·Capture performance, ease of use, version compatibility, etc.
·Support Proguard and application signature.
·Template based wizards to create common Android designs and components.
·Rich layout editor, allowing you to drag and drop UI components and preview layout on multiple screens, etc)


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