进程androidsimdvm | java书籍 2022-06-15 225 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
1.Android dvm的进程和Linux的进程,应用的进程是否是同一个概念

DVM是指dalivk的虚拟机。每个 Android 应用程序都在自己的进程中运行,并带有一个单独的 Dalvik 虚拟机实例。而每个DVM在Linux中都是一个进程,所以可以认为是同一个概念。


sim卡的文件系统有自己的规范,主要是和手机通讯的。 sim本身可以有自己的操作系统,EF用于存储和与手机通信。

(1. Are Android DVM processes and Linux processes and application processes the same concept
DVM refers to the virtual machine of dalivk. Each Android application runs in its own process with a separate Dalvik virtual machine instance. Each DVM is a process in Linux, so it can be considered as the same concept.
2. What is the function of EF file of SIM card?
The file system of SIM card has its own specification, which mainly communicates with mobile phones. Sim itself can have its own operating system, and EF is used to store and communicate with mobile phones.)


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