Webservice服务platform | vc书籍 2022-06-15 210 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Web 服务平台是一组定义应用程序如何在 Web 上互操作的标准。你可以用你喜欢的任何语言,在你喜欢的任何平台上编写Web服务,只要我们可以通过Web服务标准查询和访问这些服务。
Web 服务平台还必须提供一个标准来描述 Web 服务,以便客户端能够获得足够的信息来调用 Web 服务。最后,我们还必须有一种方法可以远程调用这个 Web 服务。这个方法实际上是一个远程过程调用协议(RPC)。为了实现互操作性,这个 RPC 协议还必须独立于平台和编程语言。

(A web services platform is a set of standards that define how applications interoperate on the web. You can write web services in any language you like and on any platform you like, as long as we can query and access these services through web service standards.
The web service platform must also provide a standard to describe the web service, so that the client can obtain enough information to invoke the web service. Finally, we must have a way to invoke the web service remotely. This method is actually a remote procedure call protocol (RPC). For interoperability, the RPC Protocol must also be platform and programming language independent.)

