The实时Webwebsocket | android开发 2022-06-15 104 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
传统的 HTTP 协议是无状态的。每个请求(request)都必须由客户端(如浏览器)发起,服务器处理后会返回响应结果,服务器很难主动向客户端发送数据;这种客户端是主动方,服务器是被动方的传统Web模式,对于信息变化不频繁的Web应用来说,麻烦较少,但是对于涉及实时信息的Web应用,比如即时通讯的App,带来很大的不便。 、实时数据、订阅推送等。在 WebSocket 规范提出之前,开发人员经常使用折衷方案来实现这些实时功能:轮询和 Comet 技术。其实后者本质上是一种轮询,只是改进了。

(The traditional HTTP protocol is stateless. Each request must be initiated by the client (such as the browser), and the server will return the response result after processing, so it is difficult for the server to actively send data to the client; This traditional web mode, in which the client is the active party and the server is the passive party, has less trouble for web applications with infrequent information changes, but brings great inconvenience for web applications involving real-time information, such as instant messaging apps Real time data, subscription push, etc. Before the websocket specification was proposed, developers often used tradeoffs to implement these real-time functions: polling and comet technology. In fact, the latter is essentially a kind of polling, but it has been improved.)

