the安卓文章article | android开发 2022-06-15 76 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本项目是面向报刊杂志的安卓客户端项目,是科学报旗下科学网的服务器端。它实现了很多不错的功能。点击文章阅读界面菜单,可保存文章、调整文章显示字体大小、查看和发表评论、短信。分享文章链接等。该项目具有科学报的阅读功能。收藏的文章会出现在收藏视图中,并以文章列表的形式展示。打开报纸视图并单击所选日期以查看当日报纸的缩略图。单击缩略图 将出现当日报纸页面上的文章列表。个人觉得这个功能非常好。项目仅使用第三方开发包,核心代码纯java编写,http直接与网站交互,文章采集部分直接存入本地SQLite数据库。本项目是已有网站但希望网站原生安卓的朋友的最佳参考示例。

(Source code introduction:
This project is an Android client project for newspapers and magazines. It is the server of science net under Science Daily. It implements many good functions. Click the menu of the article reading interface to save the article, adjust the font size of the article, view and post comments and SMS. Share article links, etc. This project has the reading function of science newspaper. The collected articles will appear in the collection view and be displayed in the form of article list. Open the newspaper view and click the selected date to view a thumbnail of the current day's newspaper. Click the thumbnail to display the list of articles on the newspaper page of the current day. Personally, I think this function is very good. The project only uses the third-party development kit, the core code is written in pure Java, HTTP directly interacts with the website, and the article collection part is directly stored in the local SQLite database. This project is the best reference example for friends who have websites but want to have native Android.
Involved modules & amp; technology
Image cache
Delayed loading
Network module

