HoloEverywhereListView控件controls | android开发 2022-06-08 105 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
这是一个 HoloEverywhere 实现各种 UI 控件的案例。源码 HoloEverywhere 实现了各种 UI 控件,包括带有自定义滚动条的 ListView、带有单选按钮的 ListView、日期选择器、弹出菜单、弹出对话框、勾选框、日历、选项卡等数十种 UI 控件。基本涵盖了一般应用所需的UI。
这是一个 HoloEverywhere 实现各种 UI 控件的案例。源码 HoloEverywhere 实现了各种 UI 控件,包括带有自定义滚动条的 ListView、带有单选按钮的 ListView、日期选择器、弹出菜单、弹出对话框、勾选框、日历、选项卡等数十种 UI 控件。基本涵盖了一般应用所需的UI。

(This is a case where holoeverywhere implements various UI controls. Source holoeverywhere implements various UI controls, including listview with custom scroll bar, listview with radio button, date selector, pop-up menu, pop-up dialog box, check box, calendar, tab and dozens of other UI controls. It basically covers the UI required for general applications.
This is a case where holoeverywhere implements various UI controls. Source holoeverywhere implements various UI controls, including listview with custom scroll bar, listview with radio button, date selector, pop-up menu, pop-up dialog box, check box, calendar, tab and dozens of other UI controls. It basically covers the UI required for general applications.)

