其它视频/教程 2023-03-09 147 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
20天的内容营销实战训练营,让你的营销能力彻底蜕变。您将获得全网首发、一线系统的品牌战略、低成本、高ROl获取精准流量的能力,以及终生受用的底层营销逻辑和核心理念。 ,3个月内以内容引爆增长的能力,10小时600分钟的超长授课10小时600分钟的在线直播课程,8节实训课程的实训课程,高效提升。

(The 20-day content marketing practical training camp will completely transform your marketing ability. You will get the first launch of the whole network, the brand strategy of the first-line system, the ability to obtain accurate traffic at low cost and high ROl, and the underlying marketing logic and core concepts that will be used for life. , The ability to detonate growth with content within 3 months, 10 hours and 600 minutes of super-long lectures, 10 hours and 600 minutes of online live courses, and 8 practical training courses of practical training courses have been improved efficiently.)


